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Your Teacher

Lauren Fitzgerald-Love

Lauren has been practicing the simple, effortless technique of Vedic Meditation for 9 years. Its benefits positively and profoundly influenced her health, the degree of happiness she felt, and her experience of life to such a degree she found herself compelled to leave her dual-career as both an elite and semi-professional athlete and project management specialist in major event operations, in order to venture down the rigorous and rewarding road to become a teacher of Vedic Meditation.

In 2019 Lauren spent 3 months in the foothills of the Himalayas under the tutelage of Thom Knoles — arguably the greatest exponent of Vedic Meditation and knowledge in the world today — and his team; some of the greatest minds and masters of Vedic wisdom on the planet.

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Lauren is based in Wellington, New Zealand. She regularly hosts in person and online Group Meditations and knowledge meetings, free Introductory Talks for anyone curious to know more about the technique, and conducts Beginner Meditation courses for those eager to introduce this natural, innocent, yet powerful practice into their lives.

Lauren teaches throughout New Zealand and travels frequently to Australia, teaching in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs and the Sutherland Shire.